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Applications open for Roster of Teaching Artists

We’re partnering with the Washington State Arts Commission (WSAC) on their Roster of Teaching Artists. Applications for the roster are now open with a deadline of June 11. The roster identifies and promotes experienced teaching artists in all disciplines who are qualified to work in K-12 public schools in Washington… [ Keep reading ]

Celebrating Arts Education Month

      May is Arts Education Month in Washington state. Together with ArtsEd Washington, we invite you to join the statewide campaign celebrating and promoting arts education. Read Mayor Mike McGinn’s proclamation in support of Arts Education Month. And check out ArtsEd Washington’s suggestions on how you can get… [ Keep reading ]

Watch the video of the 2012 Arts Education Forum

Nearly 200 people attended  the 2012 Arts Education Forum last week at Seattle University’s Pigott Auditorium.  Missed it? You can still hear Mayor Mike McGinn, Seattle Public Schools Director of Curriculum and Instructional Support Wendy London, and a panel of students speak about arts learning, our Arts Education Partnership with the school district, and creating… [ Keep reading ]

Join in discussion about arts learning at forum, Feb.16

Don’t forget! Join Mayor Mike McGinn, Seattle Public Schools Interim Superintendent Susan Enfield and youth for a panel discussion and community forum about arts education, creative learning and student success. The 2012 Arts Education Forum is tomorrow, 6:30 to 8 p.m., Feb. 16, at Seattle University’s Pigott Auditorium. The forum… [ Keep reading ]

Three ways to contribute to school district K-12 arts plan

Parents, teachers, artists, arts education supporters: make your voice known. Seattle Public Schools has partnered with the Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs and community arts organizations to create a comprehensive arts plan focused on increasing quality arts education access for all K-12 students.  A vital part of this 18-month… [ Keep reading ]

Join mayor, superintendent and youth in discussion about arts learning, Feb. 16

    Northwest Girlchoir. Photo by Sara Gray.   Make sure it’s on your calendar! Join Mayor Mike McGinn, Seattle Public Schools Interim Superintendent Susan Enfield and youth for a lively panel discussion and community forum about arts education, creative learning and student success. The 2012 Arts Education Forum is… [ Keep reading ]

Check out our February eNews

Our director talks about investing in the arts and preserving admission tax funding. We joined with Mayor Mike McGinn and a few of our funded partners in announcing more than $1.6 million in investments in 137 Seattle arts organizations through our Civic Partners program.  Join in a lively panel discussion… [ Keep reading ]

Join mayor, superintendent and youth in discussion about arts learning, Feb. 16

You are invited to join Mayor Mike McGinn, Seattle Public Schools Interim Superintendent Susan Enfield and youth for a lively panel discussion and community forum about arts education, creative learning and student success. The 2012 Arts Education Forum is 6:30 to 8 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 16, at Seattle University’s Pigott… [ Keep reading ]

Check out our January eNews

The Seattle Symphony will perform a free community concert at City Hall this month. We have new Seattle Arts Commissioners on board. We’re accepting applications for the 2013 Youth Arts funding program. Save the date for the Arts Education Forum. The city invests in neighborhood arts and cultural events. See… [ Keep reading ]

KUOW reports on arts education in Seattle Public Schools

KUOW’s “Weekday” show aired a discussion today on arts education in Seattle schools. Listen to the show here. Leading the discussion are Carri Campbell, visual and performing arts manager of Seattle Public Schools; Sandra Jackson–Dumont, chair of the Arts Education Committee of the Seattle Arts Commission and deputy director for… [ Keep reading ]