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The Creative Advantage School Partnership Summer Institute

Seattle Art Museum (Downtown) 1300 First Ave. Seattle, WA 98101 August 20, 2015; 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Register Now! We are excited to announce Gilda Sheppard as keynote speaker for the upcoming Creative Advantage School Partnership Summer Institute! This interactive one-day workshop invites participants to gain skills and… [ Keep reading ]

Feature Focus: How the Creative Advantage Engages Students at Seattle World School

Seattle World School (SWS) is one of several Seattle Public Schools to launch an arts plan through The Creative Advantage, a city-wide partnership to reinvest in equitable arts education for all students. Funding from these efforts allows SWS and other activated Creative Advantage schools to partner with local arts organizations… [ Keep reading ]

Arts education focus: investment in the field

“Change, true change, is a collective tidal wave made of many voices and multiple approaches.” Excerpted from Justice in Education. Community Arts Partner Roster is growing This year the Creative Advantage Community Arts Partner Roster added 25 more teaching artists and organizations to our list growing list which encompasses 77… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Announces 2015-16 budget; increased investments in arts and culture

Dear Friends and Colleagues: I am pleased to announce Mayor Ed Murray proposed his 2015-16 budget today, with increased investments in arts and culture. The Office’s core programing is made possible through the 1% for Art ordinance and the 75% allocation of Admissions Tax, which is being maintained. Additions have… [ Keep reading ]

Creative Advantage Update

Earlier this fall, the Office of Arts & Culture (ARTS) provided two community partner meetings on the Creative Advantage to share updates and seek input from teaching artists and arts organizations on further developments for this work. Since that time, there have been a number of developments. A few key items are expanded upon in this update. Please stay tuned for more!

New funding opportunity: Work-Readiness Arts Program

The Work-Readiness Arts Program, in collaboration with the Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative (SYVPI), is accepting proposals from arts, cultural and community organizations interested in providing out-of-school programming that links arts learning and work experiences for Seattle youth ages 14 to 18. Selected projects will serve between eight and 15… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor announces $500k investment in arts education

Good news! Today Mayor Mike McGinn announced that the city of Seattle will deepen their partnership with Seattle Public Schools (SPS) to invest in arts education. Investment dollars will ensure that every student in the Central Pathway of Seattle Public Schools receives a minimum of two hours per week of… [ Keep reading ]

Office of Film + Music happy hour to feature K-12 arts plan

Learn how Seattle Public Schools (SPS) will pursue music as one of two disciplines in developing a comprehensive K-12 arts plan at the Office of Film + Music’s happy hour, 5 to 7 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 29 at Spitfire Grill, 2219 Fourth Ave. SPS Visual and Performing Arts Manager Carri Campbell… [ Keep reading ]

Hear about progress of Seattle Public Schools K-12 arts plan, Sept. 27

The Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs, Seattle Public Schools (SPS) and local education and cultural partners will host a mid-point meeting on the progress of the Seattle K-12 Arts Learning Collaborative to create a comprehensive, district-wide K-12 arts plan. Join us for an informative, interactive evening, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.,… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Public Schools releases report from arts education meetings

Earlier this year, Seattle Public Schools (SPS) partnered with the Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs and arts organizations to host several citywide focus groups to capture the perspectives and desires of community members and students on arts education. SPS has released a report with the findings from these meetings…. [ Keep reading ]