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Creative Advantage on Seattle Channel

The Creative Advantage initiative continues the hard work of integrating arts education back into Seattle Public Schools. Seattle Channel host Brian Callanan talks to experts about why an arts education is important and how this new initiative is creating the conditions for all young people to be more creative,… [ Keep reading ]

Just in time for the new year: Teaching Artist Guild Quarterly

This month the Teaching Artist Guild published TAG Quarterly. This issue focuses on the business of teaching artists, be sure to check out the great article on “Teaching Artist as Entrepreneur.”

Arts Partner Spotlight: Jack Straw Cultural Center

ARTS is spotlighting the incredible members of our Community Arts Partner Roster. This month the spotlight is on Jack Straw Cultural Center. A community-based resource since 1962, Jack Straw provides a production facility that is unlike any other in the region for local artists who work creatively with sound. Jack… [ Keep reading ]

Trainings available for teaching artists, school arts teachers and community organizations

Join us to kick-off a new series of free Creative Advantage Arts Partner trainings. CREATIVE ADVANTAGE ARTS PARTNER KICK OFF EVENT Thursday, January 7, 2016, 5-8 p.m. Seattle Asian Art Museum Alvord Board Room 1400 E Prospect St., Seattle, WA 98112 Creative Advantage Workshops The Creative Advantage invests in artists… [ Keep reading ]

Arts Partner Spotlight

ARTS is spotlighting the incredible members of our Community Arts Partner Roster. This month the spotlight is on Totem Star. Housed at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center in Delridge, Totem Star empowers youth with life skills through music production, performance, and business experience to increase leadership, civic engagement, and community building…. [ Keep reading ]

2015 Creative Advantage School Partner Summer Institute Highlights

The Creative Advantage invests in artists and educators thru ongoing professional learning opportunities that deepen qualities of practice and foster community within the field, locally. Our most recent convening, the annual School Partner Summer Institute, drew 116 participants to the Seattle Art Museum (SAM) on August 20, 2015 for a… [ Keep reading ]

Workshops from Seattle Public Schools’ School and Community Partnership department

The Seattle Public Schools’ School and Community Partnership department, which is committed to building the capacity of community based organizations partnership with schools, has launched a Professional Development calendar for Education Partners. Events on the calendar are designed for community-based organization staff and volunteers, and other partners to help them align… [ Keep reading ]

The Creative Advantage Community Arts Partner Roster Highlight

The Creative Advantage Facebook page has been highlighting our amazing roster of Community Arts Partners for Arts Education Week. One of the partners highlighted is Extraordinary Futures. Founded by members of Seattle’s own world champ breakdance crew Massive Monkees, Extraordinary Futures is an innovative non-profit organization that has “created the… [ Keep reading ]

National Guild for Community Arts Education Highlight:

Excerpted from GuildNotes, a quarterly newsletter from the National Guild for Community Arts Education, is an article from Renée Watson, former associate director of professional development for DreamYard Project in the Bronx. In Beginning the Journey Toward Social Justice Watson discusses ways in which systemic oppression can manifest within… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Murray announces an increased investment in youth arts programming and cultural space

Mayor Ed Murray delivered his 2016 Proposed Budget to the City Council today, and I am pleased to inform you that he has proposed increased investments in arts and culture. The Office’s core programing is made possible through the 1% for Art ordinance and Admissions Tax allocation. With this proposed… [ Keep reading ]