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Winter songs from Asia and the Pacific at City Hall this Thursday

Stop by City Hall Thursday, Dec. 3, noon to 1 p.m., for a free holiday concert. Nationally acclaimed choral group Seattle Pro Musica will present Eastern Lights, a program of traditional winter songs and new music from Asia and the Pacific.

Free holiday concerts begin today

Hard to believe December is here! We’re happy to help you sail through the season with four festive concerts this month. The free lunchtime concerts are noon to 1 p.m. and will take place the first and third week of the month on Tuesdays at Seattle Municipal Tower and Thursdays at City Hall…. [ Keep reading ]

“Hammering Man” takes a holiday

Hammering Man went under the “knife” this afternoon. We removed the 48-foot sculpture’s left arm to make repairs to the gear drive mechanism that powers the popular sculpture by artist Jonathan Borofsky.

Mayor-elect Mike McGinn wants your advice

The incoming mayoral administration wants to know what issues are most important to you. Hurry though, the deadline to submit your input is Sunday, November 22 at 6 p.m.

Seattle seeks artist for Cheshiahud Lake Union Loop artwork

The Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs, in collaboration with Seattle Parks and Recreation and the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), seeks an artist or artist team to create a new media artwork for the Cheshiahud Lake Union Loop.

Solo flutist and pianist perform original music at City Hall, Nov. 19

Inspiring solo flutist Paul Taub, founding member of the Seattle Chamber Players, will perform a free concert noon to 1 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 19, at City Hall.

Meet the new mayor and county executive, Nov. 23

Join your cast of friends and colleagues in the arts and culture community to welcome Mayor-elect Mike McGinn and incoming King County Executive Dow Constantine.

City Hall exhibition showcases contemporary quilt art

Get wrapped up in exceptional quilt art from the Contemporary QuiltArt Association (CQA), on view in the City Hall galleries through Dec. 31.

Jazz up your lunch hour, Nov. 5

Two trios—one from the East and one from the West—will join forces for a free concert noon, tomorrow (Thursday, Nov. 5) at City Hall.

Artists to discuss “Water Calling” projects at SAM

We’ve teamed up with the Seattle Art Museum (SAM) to host a discussion, Water Calling: Artist Panel, 2 to 3 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 14, at Olympic Sculpture Park’s PACCAR Pavilion.