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Adam Kuby begins work on Madison Valley Stormwater Improvement Project

This week, artist Adam Kuby began installation  of the first of two artwork projects for the Madison Valley Stormwater Improvement Project. Working at Seattle Public Utilities’ site at 30th Avenue East between East Denny Way and East John Street, Kuby will plant trees and place carved granite elements at four locations in and around the water detention facility.

The artwork will feature trees with granite blocks of various shapes and sizes installed nearby. The growing trees will shift the granite blocks. Installation is expected to take three weeks.

Kuby has created permanently sited artworks in the Northwest and Canada and has exhibited his artworks throughout the country. Kuby’s works “are collaborations with the built and natural worlds” that explore the interactions between infrastructure and natural habitats.

Kuby, of Portland, Ore., has created permanently sited artworks in the Northwest and Canada and has exhibited his artworks throughout the country. Kuby’s works “are collaborations with the built and natural worlds” that explore the interactions between infrastructure and natural habitats.

The artwork is commissioned with Seattle Public Utilities’ Drainage and Wastewater 1% for Art funds.