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Posts categorized under Tamara Childress, Author at Art Beat - Page 7 of 44

Weekly Art Hit: ‘Seven Figures’ by Paul Marioni and Ann Troutner

If you’ve taken advantage of Seattle’s beautiful summer days by taking a dip at Green Lake Community Center’s Evans Pool, you’ve seen Seven Figures (1989) by artists Ann Troutner and Paul Marioni on the north wall of the pool. Evans Pool is one of the most heavily used public swimming… [ Keep reading ]

Adam Kuby’s artwork at celebration for new Madison Valley Stormwater Project, May 22

Check out Portland, Ore. artist Adam Kuby’s artwork Hydro-Bio-Geo at the celebration for the completion of Seattle Public Utilities’ (SPU) Madison Valley Stormwater Project. Join city of Seattle elected officials, SPU staff and community members at Washington Park to celebrate the completion of the project, take a self-guided tour of… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor announces $500k investment in arts education

Good news! Today Mayor Mike McGinn announced that the city of Seattle will deepen their partnership with Seattle Public Schools (SPS) to invest in arts education. Investment dollars will ensure that every student in the Central Pathway of Seattle Public Schools receives a minimum of two hours per week of… [ Keep reading ]

Weekly Art Hit: ‘Forms of Power’ by Barbara Noah

If you’re near Seattle City Light’s Canal Street facility at Northwest 45th Street and Sixth Avenue Northwest, especially at dusk or later, you’ll see some of the “activities” happening inside through the softly glowing windows. Six back-lit silhouettes in the large upper-story windows are part of Barbara Noah’s artwork Forms… [ Keep reading ]

You’re invited: Upcoming events funded through our smART ventures program

Below is a selection of events that our office has funded for the month through our smART ventures grant program.  SmART ventures is a Seattle-based, flexible awards program that encourages innovative ideas, creates community impact, and provides new access for individuals and groups not served by our other programs. SmART ventures… [ Keep reading ]

Weekly Art Hit: ‘Black Lightning’ by Ronald Bladen

Here come the ’80s! Weekly Art Hit has featured artworks from the ’70s to celebrate our public art program’s 40th anniversary, and now we move on to the next decade with Black Lightning, created by Ronald Bladen in 1981. The artwork was a collaborative project of the Seattle Arts Commission and… [ Keep reading ]

City Hall exhibition features photos from Seattle Police Department archives

The Seattle Police Department (SPD) will present an exhibition of two different employee development projects sponsored by the Seattle Police Foundation, on view at City Hall May 2 through June 28. An opening reception for the exhibition will be held 4 to 6 p.m., Thursday, May 16, at City Hall…. [ Keep reading ]

‘Jewish Voices’ and Budo Dance Theater at Langston Institute

Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute (LHPAI) presents In the Land of Rain & Salmon: Jewish Voices of the Northwest: 1880-1920, Sunday, June 2. Coordinated by Washington State Jewish Historical Society, the event takes place at LHPAI, which was originally the Chevra Bikur Cholim synagogue. “Imagine hearing your grandfather’s voice for… [ Keep reading ]

Bilingual information sessions for Latino artists/Sesiones Informativas y Bilingües para Artistas Latinos/as

Save the date! Artists Up – a collaborative effort of our office,  4Culture and Artist Trust to increase access and to better serve all artists in Seattle, King County and Washington state – welcomes Latina/o artists to an informational series. Two sessions will be held: 6 to 8 p.m., Monday, July 8 and 6 to 8:30… [ Keep reading ]

Weekly Art Hit: ‘Chimera’ by Ted Jonsson

In 1972, when the Seattle Arts Commission was only one year old, Ted Jonsson answered our agency’s call for a work of art involving a great quantity of water—one that uses water as the primary sculptural element.  In 1975, Jonsson created Chimera, a fountain artwork that continues to fascinate us… [ Keep reading ]