In this issue:
- Message from the director: it’s our 40th anniversary!
- The deadline to apply for 2012-2013 Civic Partners funding for organizations is Wednesday, June 8.
- Our Youth Arts funding program will invest $125,000 in 34 youth programs that offer arts training outside of school hours for Seattle’s middle and high school youth.
- Due to uncertainty regarding the city of Seattle’s 2012 budget, we have decided to postpone opening applications for the CityArtist funding program.
- Mayor Mike McGinn has appointed Gian-Carlo Scandiuzzi to the Seattle Arts Commission.
- Artist Rob Ley will create a permanent artwork for Fire Station 20 on the west side of Queen Anne Hill.
- Cloud Haiku by Nickolus Meisel is a series of four cast-bronze pillows arranged along the Seattle Streetcar’s Westlake Avenue and Seventh Avenue stop.
- Beginning in July, Seattle Presents free concerts are back for the summer.
- Head down to Pioneer Square’s Occidental Square and see Gallery (206), a phone booth repurposed to contain the work of more than 200 Seattle artists, kicking off ArtSparks.
- Four photographers collaborate with dancers, musicians and actors to move beyond the fleeting moments of a performance to create powerful visual metaphors, on view at City Hall through July 11.
- Join in a discussion about bringing community projects in art, culture and design to the Seattle Center’s 50th anniversary celebration.
- Get in on the Arts Crush action this October.
Image: This flag flew at the May 11 opening of Seattle as Collector: Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs Turns 40 at Seattle Art Museum. Seattle as Collector is a 40th anniversary retrospective exhibition of artworks from the Portable Works Collection. The opening drew more than 400 people. Photo by Spike Mafford.