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Hear about progress of Seattle Public Schools K-12 arts plan, Sept. 27

The Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs, Seattle Public Schools (SPS) and local education and cultural partners will host a mid-point meeting on the progress of the Seattle K-12 Arts Learning Collaborative to create a comprehensive, district-wide K-12 arts plan. Join us for an informative, interactive evening, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.,… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Public Schools releases report from arts education meetings

Earlier this year, Seattle Public Schools (SPS) partnered with the Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs and arts organizations to host several citywide focus groups to capture the perspectives and desires of community members and students on arts education. SPS has released a report with the findings from these meetings…. [ Keep reading ]

July eNews is online

Arts mean business in Seattle. See photographs by teen members of Seattle’s Somali community. Free summer concerts on City Hall’s outdoor plaza kick off at noon, July 12, with Wheedle’s Groove. Elizabeth Conner’s artworks Painting and Sculpting the Land and Drawing the Land will be dedicated at the Jefferson Park… [ Keep reading ]

Applications open for Roster of Teaching Artists

We’re partnering with the Washington State Arts Commission (WSAC) on their Roster of Teaching Artists. Applications for the roster are now open with a deadline of June 11. The roster identifies and promotes experienced teaching artists in all disciplines who are qualified to work in K-12 public schools in Washington… [ Keep reading ]

Celebrating Arts Education Month

      May is Arts Education Month in Washington state. Together with ArtsEd Washington, we invite you to join the statewide campaign celebrating and promoting arts education. Read Mayor Mike McGinn’s proclamation in support of Arts Education Month. And check out ArtsEd Washington’s suggestions on how you can get… [ Keep reading ]

Arts organizations: take Seattle Public Schools survey on arts education by April 30

Attention community organizations that provide arts programming for students in Seattle Public Schools (SPS): You may have heard that the school district received a planning grant from The Wallace Foundation to develop a coordinated, multi-year K-12 arts plan that includes improved partnerships between schools and external providers. SPS needs your feedback to… [ Keep reading ]

Help shape K-12 arts plan at community meetings beginning March 13

Help shape a K-12 visual and performing arts plan for Seattle Public Schools! The school district, the Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs and community arts organizations are partnering to create an arts plan focused on increasing quality arts education access for all K-12 students. To get input from… [ Keep reading ]

Our March eNews is now online

Check out our March eNews, with information about upcoming arts education community meetings, funded CityArtists, opportunties to join our team, a new exhibition documenting family homelessness,  and more. Check it out here.

ArtsEd Washington accepting nominations for arts education awards

ArtsEd Washington, in partnership with the Association of Washington School Principals, is accepting nominations for the second annual Schools of Excellence in Arts Education Awards. The award recognizes schools that include the arts as an essential part of their students’ education, providing a creative learning environment for outstanding student achievement… [ Keep reading ]

Help shape K-12 arts plan at community meetings in March

Seattle Public Schools is partnering with the Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs and community arts organizations to create a comprehensive arts plan focused on increasing quality arts education access for all K-12 students. To help shape the visual and performing arts plan, the city and district are hosting a… [ Keep reading ]