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Join mayor, superintendent and youth in discussion about arts learning, Feb. 16


Northwest Girlchoir. Photo by Sara Gray.

Make sure it’s on your calendar! Join Mayor Mike McGinn, Seattle Public Schools Interim Superintendent Susan Enfield and youth for a lively panel discussion and community forum about arts education, creative learning and student success. The 2012 Arts Education Forum is 6:30 to 8 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 16, at Seattle University’s Pigott Auditorium. The forum is presented by the Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs, Seattle Arts Commission and Seattle Public Schools with support from Seattle University College of Arts & Sciences.

Bring your questions for our panel of students and policymakers and hear how our office and Seattle Public Schools are partnering to help ensure arts learning can be a part of a complete education for all students. Learn about a coordinated effort to create a comprehensive K-12 visual and performing arts plan for Seattle Public Schools. The district recently received a grant from The Wallace Foundation to engage the community in developing a plan to provide greater arts education access citywide.

Youth participants include panel moderator Henry Luke, a 2011 graduate of Nova High School and the Seattle coordinator for Youth Speaks, a nonprofit spoken word and youth development program; Maddie Thomas, a junior at Ballard High School, member of Seattle Art Museum’s Teen Advisory Board and a fashion blogger; Vivi Perez, a 2010 graduate of Ballard High School and JustServe AmeriCorps Anti-Violence Corps team leader.

Children are welcome at the forum. Free supervised arts activities and snacks will be provided for school-aged children. To sign up, call (206) 684-7372 by Friday, Feb. 10.

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