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Posts categorized under Racial Equity Archives - Page 19 of 23 - Art Beat

Mayor Durkan Announces Seattle Will Invest in 91 New Affordable Homes and art space on City-Owned Property in Uptown Adjacent to Seattle Center

Investment Will Support 91 New Permanent Homes for Our Neighbors Experiencing Homelessness, A Community Art Space, and A Community Workforce Agreement Pilot  Seattle (November 20, 2018) – Mayor Jenny A. Durkan was joined today by Uptown community members, housing advocates, labor leaders, and arts and cultural district representatives as she announced the City of Seattle will invest approximately $6.9 million to build 91 new affordable… [ Keep reading ]

ARTS partner Creative Equity Fund’s Inaugural Grant infuse $200,000 into 14 organizations

Building racial justice through arts and culture Seattle Foundation and its partners are fueling the power of arts and culture to dismantle racism through the new Creative Equity Fund, which is announcing a total of $200,000 in grants to 14 King County organizations. The grants will provide either project-based… [ Keep reading ]

ARTS Publishes “Capacity Building for Racial Equity in Public Art”

Public Art Boot Camp, the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture’s award-winning program, is the subject of the publication Capacity Building for Racial Equity in Public Art (pdf). ARTS’ Public Art Program specifies that 1% of eligible city capital improvement project funds be set aside for the commission, purchase, and… [ Keep reading ]


This fall, The Seattle Public Library is partnering with yəhaw̓, an Indigenous-led arts project, to celebrate Indigenous creativity and environmental equity. From October through December, we’ll have events, an exhibit, and artists in residence who honor indigenous knowledge and address the theme of environmental equity. ABOUT YӘHAW̓ From Thursday, Oct…. [ Keep reading ]

A Nation Is a Massacre: Art activation on King Street Station Plaza

Demian DinéYazhi’ and R.I.S.E.: Radical Indigenous Survivance & Empowerment Saturday, August 4 2018 – 11am-7pm, King Street Station Plaza – 4th Ave S. & Jackson St Free – Open to the Public – All Ages – Bring items to silkscreen   Demian DinéYazhi & R.I.S.E.: Radical Indigenous Survivance & Empowerment… [ Keep reading ]

Arts in Parks returns to Seattle Parks this summer

Events and art installations June through November 2018 Now in its third year, Arts in Parks, a partnership between Seattle Parks and Recreation and the Office of Arts & Culture, is offering a number of free events and temporary art projects that will activate community parks this summer. From June… [ Keep reading ]

National Endowment for the Arts Art Works grant of $100,000 awarded to Seattle Public Schools for The Creative Advantage

Grant to support The Creative Advantage, a citywide initiative to establish equitable access to arts education  National Endowment for the Arts Chairman Jane Chu has approved more than $80 million in grants as part of the National Endowment for the ARTS (NEA) second major funding announcement for fiscal year 2018.  Included in… [ Keep reading ]

ARTS announces the inaugural exhibition at King Street Station, yəhaw’, opening winter 2018

Call for Indigenous Creatives, open March 5 – April 20, 2018 SEATTLE – In recognition of the Coast Salish peoples on whose land the City of Seattle is built, the Office of Arts & Culture is honored to open a new arts and cultural hub on the third floor… [ Keep reading ]

Wanted: Arts Permitting Specialist

One of the CAP Report: 30 Ideas for the Creation, Activation, and Preservation of Cultural Space recommendations from earlier this year was the creation of a liaison role, embedded in the Department of Construction and Inspections, that would work with arts and cultural projects as a point of connection between… [ Keep reading ]

ARTS releases the King Street Station Community Feedback Report

Community feedback is being used to inform the programming at King Street Station SEATTLE – The Seattle Office of Arts & Culture (ARTS) announced the release of the King Street Station Community Feedback Report. The report represents over 500 individuals and encompasses their thoughts, dreams and ideas on how to… [ Keep reading ]