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Fresh Perspectives: Young curators help shape City Light art collection

By Kate Clark Seattle City Light Artist in Residence  Public art collections breathe life into our shared spaces. A group of young curators brought fresh perspectives to the process of selecting 50 works by 30 artists for the City of Seattle’s Civic Art Collection. Purchased with Seattle City Light 1% for… [ Keep reading ]

Behind The Red Door Of How I Learned What I Learned 

by Dr. James R. Gore The artwork tribute to August Wilson behind the Seattle Repertory Theater on the Seattle Center campus by Mindy Lehrman is a red door with Wilson’s image. A red door has cultural and historical significance. According to the online magazine, Doors and More (Berry, 2020), “In… [ Keep reading ]

ARTS Welcomes Rayna Mathis, Seattle Public Schools Creative Advantage Project Manager! 

By Tina LaPadula, Arts Education Manager The Seattle Office of Arts & Culture (ARTS) in its partnership with Seattle Public Schools (SPS) is pleased to welcome Rayna Mathis, the new SPS Creative Advantage project manager. The Creative Advantage Initiative is focused on putting artists in SPS to work with teaching… [ Keep reading ]

Register for The Creative Advantage ALL ACCESS Arts Stream SPRING Classes 

The Creative Advantage ALL ACCESS Arts Stream Spring Classes are now open for registration. A continued collaboration between Parks and Recreation, Seattle Office of Arts & Culture, Seattle Public Schools, and Creative Advantage Arts Partners, this program started as a pilot program in December 2020 and grew into virtual classes last spring.   These free classes are led in real-time by master-level teaching artists for elementary-aged youth and… [ Keep reading ]

The Creative Advantage Welcomes Gabriel-Bello Díaz, the New Seattle Public Schools Creative Advantage Project Manager

Written by Tina LaPadula The Creative Advantage implementation team is thrilled to have Gabriel as part of our initiative to establish equitable access to arts education for every student in Seattle Public Schools (SPS). Gabriel joins forces with visual and performing arts leaders Gail Sehlhorst and Pam Iveciz at Seattle Public Schools as well as Seattle Office of Arts… [ Keep reading ]

2020 -2021 The Creative Advantage Professional Learning

by Regan Pro, Kayla Skinner Deputy Director for Education & Public Engagement at the Seattle Art Musuem For the past eight years The Creative Advantage in partnership with the Seattle Art Museum has provided free professional learning opportunities for teachers, teaching artists and community organizations. With a primary focus always… [ Keep reading ]

News: Lara Davis and six years with ARTS Creative Youth Programs

“Differences must be not merely tolerated, but seen as a fund of necessary polarities between which our creativity can spark like a dialectic.”   – Audre Lorde After six incredible years leading the Office of Arts & Culture (ARTS) Creative Youth programs, I’m excited to announce that I am leaving… [ Keep reading ]

Summer Arts Partnership Institute Recap

On August 17, 2017, Seattle Art Museum (SAM) hosted the fourth Creative Advantage Summer Arts Partnership Institute for classroom teachers, teaching artists, administrators, youth development workers, and community members. Dancers from Northwest Tap Connection opened the day with a rousing performance garnering multiple standing ovations, that showcased the skill, passion,… [ Keep reading ]

Join us for the fourth annual Creative Advantage Summer Institute

Thursday, August 17, 2017; 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Seattle Art Museum 1300 First Ave Seattle, WA 98101 Register here The fourth annual Creative Advantage Summer Institute is open to teachers, artists, teaching artists, community members, and anyone invested in providing equitable arts education for all students in Seattle Public… [ Keep reading ]

The Creative Advantage 2017 Winter/Spring Learning Series

Join us for the 2017 Winter/Spring series of free Creative Advantage Art Partner trainings. Open to any interested teaching artist, community organizations, arts advocate, teacher, or arts specialist. Workshops offered at no cost to participants. Online registration required and includes three Washington State Clock hours for teachers. Workshops in this year’s… [ Keep reading ]