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Arts District forum in Capitol Hill

Each spring, Capitol Hill Housing hosts a public forum for the community to discuss an issue relevant to the neighborhood.  Returning May 20, the focus will be on forming an Arts District on Capitol Hill, and speakers include Seattle Arts Commission chair, Michael Seiwerath and Office of arts & Culture… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Youth Artspace Summit recap

On Friday, January 17, the Office of Arts & Culture hosted our first Seattle Youth Artspace Summit, bringing over 20 youth arts organizations to the table to discuss the idea of a shared flagship facility, large enough to house multiple groups and central enough to draw from all of the… [ Keep reading ]

A Vision for 2014

From increased investments in arts education and cultural space, to celebrating the 40th anniversary of our 1% for Art program, to welcoming Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute into the Office, 2013 was a dramatic year of growth and development and we look forward to an even more exciting 2014. In… [ Keep reading ]

Recap: Square Feet 2013

“One third of all cultural space in Seattle has been counted so far; we’ve found 2.8 million square feet …and we’re still counting.” – Matthew Richter With construction crews around every corner, it feels like a time of heavy development and change in Seattle. We must ensure that arts, culture,… [ Keep reading ]

Do you have a cultural space in Seattle? Would you like to?

Calling all galleries, artists’ studios, theaters, cinemas, music halls, clubs, sound stages, recording studios, bookstores, lecture halls, maker-spaces, meetspaces … in short, calling all arts and culture spaces of any kind in Seattle: we’re embarking on a project to inventory our city’s cultural space, and we want to hear from… [ Keep reading ]