Calling all galleries, artists’ studios, theaters, cinemas, music halls, clubs, sound stages, recording studios, bookstores, lecture halls, maker-spaces, meetspaces … in short, calling all arts and culture spaces of any kind in Seattle: we’re embarking on a project to inventory our city’s cultural space, and we want to hear from you. Take part in our inventory of arts and cultural spaces via an online survey, or email
Additionally, we want you to know that our office now has a resource dedicated to you and your cultural space needs. Our cultural space liaison, Matthew Richter, is eager to hear about your square footage concerns. What are the issues you’re working through? Do you need help navigating city departments? Are you on the hunt for space? Looking to fund facility renovations?
Whether you’re a building owner looking to work with an arts group, an arts group looking for a building (or anywhere in between) our office now has the capacity to support your work. Let us know what keeps you up at night by emailing We look forward to hearing from you!
– Matthew Richter, cultural space liaison