Celebrate the dedication of new public artworks by Roy McMakin and Jeffry Mitchell at the new Rainier Beach Community Center and Pool in the Rainier Beach neighborhood. The Seattle Parks and Recreation community celebration event will be 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 22 at Rainier Beach Community Center, 8825 Rainier Ave. S. The event will feature a tour of the new facility.
The six new interior and exterior artworks (all Untitled) range from arrow signs pointing visitors towards the entrances to the new community center; to a giant, pointing cartoon-like finger; to an inflated rainbow Parks identifier sign. McMakin and Mitchell chose signage and wayfinding as the focus for their work at Rainier Beach Community Center, working with the project architect. This allowed the artists to explore emotionality and meaning within functionality, as well as the ability to provide a useful addition to the public space.
Limited free parking is available at the community center. The site is accessible by King County Metro Transit routes 7, 8, 106 and 107, and Sound Transit Link Light Rail.
For more info, contact Jason Huff, public art project manager, (206) 684-7278.
McMakin’s and Mitchell’s new artworks are commissioned with Seattle Parks and Recreation 1% for Art funds.
Image: Roy McMakin and Jeffry Mitchell, Untitled (Pointing Hand), fiberglass, steel, 56″x88″x36″; Untitled (2D Arrow Cutout), painted steel, 48″x48″x.25″. Photo: Alexa Anderson.