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Seattle seeks artist for Cheshiahud Lake Union Loop artwork

The Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs, in collaboration with Seattle Parks and Recreation and the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), seeks an artist or artist team to create a new media artwork for the Cheshiahud Lake Union Loop.

Artists to discuss “Water Calling” projects at SAM

We’ve teamed up with the Seattle Art Museum (SAM) to host a discussion, Water Calling: Artist Panel, 2 to 3 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 14, at Olympic Sculpture Park’s PACCAR Pavilion.

Calling young artists for youth violence prevention

The city of Seattle invites young artists to take part in an art contest to raise awareness of the Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative. The winning artwork will be used in outreach materials for the initiative.

Restored totem stands tall at new home

For more than three decades, weather and insects took their toll on a waterfront totem pole. So when the Port of Seattle called, we were happy to lend a hand to return the totem to its original glory and install it at its new home in Elliott Bay Park.

Seattle Sketcher draws on the arts

We think it’s cool that Gabi Campanario, who has a sketching gig with the Seattle Times, draws on arts and cultural events to tell the city’s story.

Meet emerging artists, see their work

We bought some art from emerging Northwest artists to add to the city’s Portable Works Collection. Come check out the artworks, meet the artists and enjoy some free eats. We’re hosting an artist reception, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 13, at the Seattle Municipal Tower Gallery. On display are… [ Keep reading ]

Fremont Bridge to ‘talk back,’ hear it on KPLU

Seattle artist Kristen Ramirez will wrap up her summer artist residency at the Fremont Bridge with a temporary audio installation, Bridge Talks Back. A short version will be broadcast from the bridge’s speakers during daytime bridge openings through April. To hear the full sound composition, including clips of people’s bridge… [ Keep reading ]

Meet the Central District signal box decal artist, Sept. 23

Artist Troy R. Miles will create designs for reflective decals the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) will place on traffic signal control boxes in the neighborhood. Come meet Troy and share with him your ideas of the kinds of images you’d like to represent the Central District.

Seeking artist for Rainier Beach Community Center project

The Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs, in partnership with Seattle Parks and Recreation, seeks one artist or artist team to develop a three-dimensional, site-specific or site-integrated artwork for the new Rainier Beach Community Center and Pool.

Updated: SuttonBeresCuller set sidewalk aglow

Commuters crossing the platform at the Seattle Streetcar’s Westlake Hub station are likely to do a double take. SuttonBeresCuller just put the finishing touches on a new public artwork that’s embedded in the sidewalk at the stop at Westlake and Olive Way. The neon sculpture – titled Sequence/Consequence – is… [ Keep reading ]