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Two new exhibitions explore mosaic collage and digital media on view at ARTS at King Street Station  

モザイク・コラージュとデジタルメディアを探求する2つの新展覧会がARTS at King Street Stationで開催中 Happy Room — Mosaic Collage digital indigiqueer: a showcase of trans transmedia February 2 – April 6, 2023 Two new exhibitions Happy Room — Mosaic Collage and digital indigiqueer: a showcase of trans transmedia will be on view at the Office of Arts & Culture’s… [ Keep reading ]

Imminent Mode ALL Ages Workshop Engages Artists of Every Age

by Tina LaPadula, Arts Education Project Manager and Jenny Ku, King Street Station Programming Lead The Creative Advantage and Public Art teams in the ARTS office, joined forces with curators and artists Anouk Rawkson, Jordan Christianson, and other IMMINENT MODE: US artists to host a special all-ages workshop centered on… [ Keep reading ]

IMMINENT MODE: US Creates Immersive Environments for Wearable Art at ARTS at King Street Station

November 3, 2022 – January 5, 2023 This fall, the Office of Arts & Culture and its ARTS at King Street Station gallery hosts IMMINENT MODE: US, an immersive exhibition that pairs-built environments with one-of-a-kind fashion. The exhibition will feature installations by eight teams that explores the broad theme, US, asking… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Civic Art Collection Selects: by Anh Sy Seattle Youth Employment Program Intern

By Anh Sy, SYEP Intern Art is an amazing creative invention. All of the artworks below – all curated from the Seattle Civic Art Collection – are pieces I chose because they represent myself, my dream, and my aspirations for my future and world. Changing of the Bay, Alyson McCrink… [ Keep reading ]

“Pantheon Anew” by artist Saira Barbaric on View at ARTS at King Street Station this Summer

July 28 – September 23, 2022 This summer, ARTS at King Street Station hosts Pantheon Anew, the premier gallery exhibition from multidisciplinary artist Saira Barbaric. The exhibition traverses Barbaric’s exploration of pop culture and spiritual ideology, highlighting the stories we tell to comprehend reality and seek joy. About the Exhibition… [ Keep reading ]

ARTS at King Street Station 2022-23 Exhibition Calendar

Upcoming exhibitions at the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture’s ARTS at King Street Station will explore pop culture, transmedia, and Indigenous culture. Exhibitions feature local artists Saira Barbaric, Hexe Fey, and collective IMMINENT MODE. ARTS at King Street Station is a dynamic space for arts and culture in the… [ Keep reading ]

Public Art Blooms across Seattle this summer 

Temporary and Permanent Arts abound from West Seattle to Lake City The Seattle Office of Arts and Culture is excited to share that, starting in July, temporary and permanent artworks will be installed in Seattle neighborhoods, parks, and right-of-ways. A diverse mix of local artists, genres, and themes will make… [ Keep reading ]

Exhibitions on Feminine Power and Transgender Transformation

May 5 – July 7, 2022 ARTS at King Street Station is opening an upcoming exhibition from two exciting artists that explores feminine power, transgender transformation, fertility and self-determination: Hanako O’Leary: Izanami and Yomi and Molly Jae Vaughan: Her Body and After Boucher. “Self-determination for marginalized people is always an… [ Keep reading ]

Hope Corps Now Open

The Seattle Office of Arts & Culture (ARTS) is opening a new funding program, Hope Corps, that connects under- and unemployed workers in the creative industries with career opportunities. The application is open now through June 6, 2022.   Individual artists, creative workers, community groups, and arts and cultural organizations are… [ Keep reading ]

Species Extinction Explored in New Art Exhibition

February 3 – April 7, 2022 The 1 Million – Multiple Species Eradication explores bio-/multi-species extinctions and the species affected by humanity’s mass resource extraction. Inspired by this National Geographic article, artist Carol Rashawnna Williams created the large scale monoprint installation with seven contributing local/national visual artists: “We are NO… [ Keep reading ]