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Public Art Quarterly | Welcoming New Staff and New Art!

The Seattle Office of Arts & Culture’s (ARTS) Public Art division is starting 2025 with new projects, newly installed artwork, and ongoing gallery shows and maintenance to the Civic Art Collection. Here’s a brief overview of some of the many things happening in and around the city. Staffing Updates Public Art… [ Keep reading ]

Meet the ARTS at King Street Station Advisors!

The ARTS at King Street Station Advisors are a group of community leaders and arts/culture enthusiasts who work with ARTS staff to ensure that the programming at ARTS at King Street Station centers racial equity, represents and welcomes diverse communities, and showcases many creative disciplines. Advisors serve a two-year term…. [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Bridges Reimagined: An Animation Residency Opportunity

Imagine your workspace with panoramic views of the Seattle skyline, the rhythmic rise and fall of the Fremont Bridge, or the historic splendor of the University Bridge. Now imagine translating those sights and sounds into a captivating animation. This is the unique opportunity presented by the Seattle Office of Arts… [ Keep reading ]

Totem Star: Opening Doors for New Artists

By TeenTix Newsroom Writer Mickey Fontaine “Before I heard about Totem Star, I was going to studios to pay $80 for an hour,” said Mkmuzz, a young Seattle musician. “Most of my projects were never finished the way I wanted them to be. Because of time, you had to wrap… [ Keep reading ]

Supporting the Art You Love Keeps Seattle Arts and Culture Strong

Did you know that when you attend certain events and venues in Seattle, 5% of your ticket price goes towards the City’s Arts and Culture Fund? It’s called the Admission Tax. This is the fund that we use to support artists and organizations through our grants. If you were one… [ Keep reading ]

March Artwalk at ARTS at King Street Station

Join us on First Thursday, March 6 at ARTS at King Street Station to celebrate the opening Myths to Mundane and catch another look at Fresh Perspectives! Enjoy live jazz music throughout the night as you browse the work. Learn more about the programs below. ARTS at King Street Station… [ Keep reading ]

Dujie Tahat Selected as Next Seattle Civic Poet

Bringing poetry into policymaking SEATTLE, WA – The Seattle Office of Arts & Culture (ARTS) in partnership with the Office of the Mayor, Seattle Public Library, and Seattle City of Literature announces the selection of Dujie Tahat as the 2025-2026 Seattle Civic Poet. Tahat will serve as the fifth Civic… [ Keep reading ]

ARTS at King Street Station 2025 Exhibition and Event Calendar

We’re excited to host a vibrant lineup of local artists and curators at ARTS at King Street Station this year! From live jazz to a Solstice party, we have something for everyone to look forward to. See the full schedule below and make sure to stop by the gallery soon…. [ Keep reading ]

Celebrating our First Artwalk of the Year with Community

Over 250 community members joined us for our first exhibit opening of 2025! Two exhibitions opened, Journey Through Life and Beyond and Fresh Perspectives, featuring a diversity of artists both emerging and established. With live jazz, refreshments from tea&, and artists celebrating with the community, the event brought warmth to… [ Keep reading ]

Celebrating new artwork on Seattle’s Waterfront

On Jan. 25, we joined the Office of the Waterfront and Civic Projects along with artists, civic, and tribal leaders for a dedication of new publicly-sited artwork on Seattle’s waterfront. As part of the Oscar Tuazon artwork that spans from Columbia Street to Spring Street, the installation of two Indigenous cedar carvings by Randi Purser… [ Keep reading ]