Keep an eye out on First Hill this summer for Art Interruptions!
Ten artists have been selected to develop a series of artworks that will inhabit city sidewalks and parks to offer passers-by a brief interruption in their day, eliciting a moment of surprise, beauty, contemplation or humor for Art Interruptions 2014. These temporary small-scale public art interventions enliven the pedestrian realm and contribute to the aesthetic experience of the streetscape. The artists selected to interrupt this year are:
Graham Downing
Jason Hirata and Chase Allgood
Eric Olson and Samuel Wildman
Erin Shafkind and Will Gundy
Art Interruptions is commissioned with SDOT 1% for Art funds and administered by the Office of Arts & Culture. Photo of one of last year’s Art Interruptions, by Christian French, photo by Laura Becker.