In collaboration with Seattle Parks and Recreation (Parks), we’re seeking two artists or artist teams to each create temporary, site-specific public art projects for downtown Seattle’s Westlake Park, located at 401 Pine St. The selected artists will create artworks that activate the park during summer 2013. The call is open to artists who are Washington state residents living within 90 miles of Seattle. The application deadline is 11 p.m., Thursday, March 21 (Pacific Daylight Time).
Go to the Westlake Park Call for Artists for more information and to apply.
Two artists or artist teams will create installations that run sequentially, while accommodating the other activities produced by Parks and other entities that occur frequently at the site. The artworks will contribute to Seattle’s Center City Initiative to help make downtown streets safe and inviting, and will support Westlake Park as an enjoyable hub of the city. The artwork should activate the space, engage pedestrians and encourage pedestrian flow through the park. Artworks may be two- or three-dimensional; offer participatory or interactive experiences for visitors to the park; and can include projection, light, sound or performance components.
The selected artists will develop design proposals for projects to be installed in summer 2013, with fabrication starting in late spring 2013. The artworks will be on view for a minimum of three weeks to a maximum of three months, based on the artwork media and concept.
The budget is $10,000 per project, all-inclusive of travel expenses, taxes, proposal fees, and all project costs for design, fabrication/production, installation and removal of artwork. Two artists or artist teams will be commissioned.
The project is funded by Seattle Parks & Recreation 1% for Art funds.