We currently have two calls for artists open! The application deadline for both calls is 11 p.m., Monday, Aug. 29 (Pacific Daylight Time).
We’re seeking approximately 50 to 75 artists for a juried roster of professional artists eligible for consideration for future public art projects. The projects will be at city utility facilities, parks, in the street right-of-way and at other locations. The roster will include pre-qualified artists who can create free-standing or integrated, site-specific artwork for locations managed by Seattle City Light, Seattle Public Utilities, Seattle Parks and Recreation and other city of Seattle departments.
We’re also seeking an artist-in-residence to highlight Seattle City Light’s conservation projects. The residency will begin this fall. The artist will study the utility’s energy conservation programs and develop a series of innovative projects to bring awareness to conservation. The artist will then develop his or her own projects and identify conservation-related art projects for other artists.
Both calls are open to individual artists residing in the United States. Click here for more information and for a link to the online application.