Join in for the second in a series of workshops on public art and the law, coordinated by 4Culture and Washington Lawyers for the Arts.
Proprietary Issues in Public Art will be noon to 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 17, at 4Culture, 101 Prefontaine Place S., Seattle. Attorney and educator Robert Cumbow will provide valuable legal information on intellectual property issues specific to the field of public art. City of Tacoma Arts Administrator Amy McBride will offer examples of how complex issues play out in the real world. Together, they will tackle topics including:
• Fair use in public art of copyright, trademarks, names and faces.
• Does the artist or commissioning agency/company own the copyright in the work?
• What are works-for-hire provisions?
• What are proprietary differences between permanent and ephemeral public art?
• Who can authorize and own derivative works?
• What are the rights under the Visual Artist Rights Act and how do waivers work?
For more information about the workshop, workshop fees, and how to register, visit 4Culture’s blog.