[Update June 9, 2010: the Duwamish dance group TilibSedeb is no longer able to perform.]
The dedication of Marvin Oliver’s A Salish Welcome at Salmon Bay Natural Area has been moved to 10 a.m. to noon, Saturday, July 17. (The dedication was originally scheduled for Saturday, June 12.) Salmon Bay Natural Area is located along Ballard’s shoreline at 3419 N.W. 54th St., next to the canal.
A Salish Welcome features a monumental bronze welcome figure draped in a Salish ceremonial robe and holding an aluminum disk that represents the life cycle of Pacific salmon. Oliver will answer questions and greet guests at the dedication. Cecile Hanson, chair of the Duwamish Tribe, will perform a ceremonial blessing. The artwork was funded by Seattle Public Utilities 1% for Art funds and Department of Neighborhoods Neighborhood Matching Funds.