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A Community Update from The Creative Advantage

by Tina LaPadula Arts Education Equity and Access Seattle Public Schools Schools will likely start the 2020-21 school year with 100% remote learning. As the district explores student learning options for the upcoming year, The Creative Advantage is thinking expansively about ways to be responsive to current changes in alignment… [ Keep reading ]

The Creative Advantage Arts Education Goes Online: arts lessons for Seattle Public Schools, K-12

The Creative Advantage, a partnership between Seattle Public Schools (SPS) and the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture, is creating online arts lessons by local teaching artists for SPS students and families.   The Creative Advantage Online Arts videos will be a series of approximately 10 to 15-minute arts educational programming… [ Keep reading ]

RECAP: The Creative Advantage Summer Arts Partner Institute

Written by Tina LaPadula, Arts Education Project Manager Thank you to all who attended the sixth annual Creative Advantage Arts Partner Summer Institute on August 15th at Seattle Art Museum. This event is a kick off to the school year for teaching artists, arts teachers, and community partners – a… [ Keep reading ]

News: Lara Davis and six years with ARTS Creative Youth Programs

“Differences must be not merely tolerated, but seen as a fund of necessary polarities between which our creativity can spark like a dialectic.”   – Audre Lorde After six incredible years leading the Office of Arts & Culture (ARTS) Creative Youth programs, I’m excited to announce that I am leaving… [ Keep reading ]

The Creative Advantage Strives for Educational Justice

Equitable access to arts learning is essential for all students. The Creative Advantage, a citywide initiative to establish equitable access to arts education for every student Seattle Public Schools, works to systemically address inequities in access to art education and provide a comprehensive, high-quality arts education for all students, across… [ Keep reading ]

National Endowment for the Arts Art Works grant of $100,000 awarded to Seattle Public Schools for The Creative Advantage

Grant to support The Creative Advantage, a citywide initiative to establish equitable access to arts education  National Endowment for the Arts Chairman Jane Chu has approved more than $80 million in grants as part of the National Endowment for the ARTS (NEA) second major funding announcement for fiscal year 2018.  Included in… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Public Schools and City of Seattle Office of Arts & Culture announce grant from the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation

Seattle Public Schools and City of Seattle Office of Arts & Culture announce grant from the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation for the creation of new Media Arts course at the Seattle Public Schools Skills Center SEATTLE, March 21, 2017 – The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation and Seattle… [ Keep reading ]

Recap: The Creative Advantage Arts Partner Summer Institute

The Creative Advantage kicked off the 2016-17 school year with its third annual Summer Institute in partnership with Seattle Art Museum. Over 100 teaching artists, administrators, classroom teachers, and youth development workers gathered for a day of learning, community building, and practice.  Sessions were facilitated by local artists, instructors, and… [ Keep reading ]

EMP Museum at Garfield High School

I wanted to share with you EMP Museum’s experience at Garfield HS as a Creative Advantage provider the past two years. This story is a testimony to all of your (Seattle Public Schools and the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture) diligent years of work/advocacy for arts education resulting in The… [ Keep reading ]

NEWS RELEASE: City of Seattle, Seattle Public Schools improve access to arts education

NEWS RELEASE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact:          Jason Kelly, Mayor’s Office Press Secretary, 206.684.8379 Erika Lindsay, Arts & Culture, 206.684.4337 Stacy Howard, Seattle Public Schools, 206.465.5404 City of Seattle, Seattle Public Schools deepen engagement, improve access to arts education The Creative Advantage program reaching… [ Keep reading ]