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Free walking tour of Cheshiahud Lake Union audio artwork, Oct. 23

Take a free artist-guided walking tour of the audio artwork Field Notes: Observing Lake Union by the Studio for Urban Projects, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 23. The tour will start on the west side of the pedestrian bridge near the main entrance of Lake Union Park at Westlake Avenue North and Valley Street.

Field Notes: Observing Lake Union is a temporary sound installation that is an audio tour of the Cheshiahud Lake Union Loop. The walking tour will cover Lake Union Park and feature short talks by Coll Thrush, author of Native Seattle: Histories from the Crossing-Over Place; David Williams, author of The Seattle Street-Smart Naturalist: Field Notes from the City; and several other project contributors. The tour is free and open to the public.

Field Notes focuses on four sites along the loop: Lake Union Park, Fairview Park, Gas Works Park and the Lake Washington Ship Canal viewing spot under the Aurora Bridge on the Burke-Gilman Trail. The audio tour explores the underlying ecology of Lake Union and its dramatic transformation through eras of change. Visitors can call numbers posted at various points on the loop to hear about the sites. The installation runs through October 2011.

Advanced registration is advised. To sign up for the tour, contact Sandy Esene, (206) 233-3930.

A wild foods dinner, organized by Studio for Urban Projects, will follow the walking tour. For information and cost, go to Studio for Urban Projects’ website.

Field Notes is commissioned by the Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs with Seattle Department of Transportation and Parks and Recreation 1% for Art funds.

Image: Participant listening to the Field Notes audio tour at Lake Union Park. Photo courtesy of the Studio for Urban Projects.