Now open, Centering Art & Racial Equity (C.A.R.E.) grant is the new name of the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture’s organizational funding program previously known as Civic Partners. The updated name highlights the evolution of the program over the past ten years and reflects the values of racial equity, social cohesion, and the importance of art to our communities.

The C.A.R.E. grant awards three consecutive years of funding to Seattle arts and culture, heritage, and arts service organizations with a minimum three-year history of providing accessible programming for Seattle residents and visitors. To create a more equitable, vibrant, and relevant arts sector, ARTS prioritizes support for organizations with an arts-focused mission that are taking action to be anti-racist and who value, implement, and uphold inclusive practices through an intersectional racial equity lens.
For more information, visit the C.A.R.E grant page or contact Kathy Hsieh, Cultural Investments Strategist, at (206) 733-9926 or kathy.hsieh@seattle.gov. TTY: Dial 711. Tele-Braille: (800) 833-6385.
The Centering Art & Racial Equity (C.A.R.E.) grant is made possible by the Seattle Office of Arts& Culture (ARTS). For more information, please contact Kathy Hsieh, Cultural Investments Strategist, at (206) 733-9926 or kathy.hsieh@seattle.gov.