Curated by Ashraf Hasham
It’s time for the monthly roundup of community grants, job openings, opportunities, and resources! View the list below to find the following resources: artist grants & opportunities, grants for organizations, grants for youth-serving organizations, food equity grants, participation opportunities, gigs, opportunities for employers, resources for parents, and resources for arts educators.
Artist Grants & Opportunities
- 4Culture’s Project Grants: Supports both individuals and groups and are awarded in three disciplines: arts, heritage, and preservation. Visit each page for eligibility information, workshop dates, contact information, and how to apply. The deadline for all projects is April 20, 2022.
- NWFF’s Collective Power Fund 2022 Grant Cycle is Open! Spring 2022 grants will distribute $68,000 in increments of $2,000 – $5,000 – $10,000. Individual artists, who live in unincorporated or incorporated King County, will be eligible to self-select into either the $2,000 or $5,000 tiers and the $10,000 tier will be exclusive to artist teams or artist-run collectives within the county. Deadline April 26. More info & info sessions here. Direct application link here.
- Apply for the 2023 CityArtist Grant: Seattle Office of Arts & Culture’s CityArtist program supports Seattle-based individual artists/curators and the research, development, and presentation of their work. The application is open to dancers/choreographers, musicians/composers, or theater-makers (including playwrights). Awarded artists will need to offer a public presentation within Seattle city limits. Seattle’s Office of Arts & Culture supports a broad range of artistic and cultural expressions reflecting Seattle’s diversity. See guidelines for details. Applications close on April 27.
- The Harpo Foundation’s 2022 Grants for Visual Artists is open now until April 29. Costs $15 to apply, but you can submit for a waiver. More info here.
- Public Art Boot Camp 2022 – 2023: Are you a visual artist who’s interested in the public art realm, but have limited experience? We’ve got you! We’re now accepting applications for this year’s Public Art Boot Camp, a paid opportunity that offers professional development and mentorship within the public art realm. Up to 12 artists will be selected to participate in a series of monthly workshops/seminars, which will culminate in a commission for a temporary public artwork. Deadline: Wednesday, May 4, 5pm Pacific.
- The Seattle World Tour Musician Relief Fund is open to all WA-state-based musicians. All applicants must have a current WA state address to qualify (a check will be sent there). The inaugural grants will be $500 each awarded on June 15, 2022. Thank you to Rain City Relief and those who supported the RCR campaign for making this inaugural launch possible! Apply here. Applications will be open until May 15.
Grants for Organizations
- The City of Bellevue is accepting applications from human service providers in the community for 2023-2024 funding. Proposals can be submitted until 4pm, Thursday, April 28. Bellevue funds programs that address the full spectrum of human service needs, including food security, housing stability, homelessness prevention, health, behavioral health, youth services, domestic violence services, childcare subsidies, and many others. Learn more here.
- The City of Federal Way, similarly, will be seeking applications from non-profit and public agencies for human services. As a member of the Human Service Funders Collaborative, Federal Way is participating in this joint application process with fifteen (15) other King County cities. Approximately $536,000 will be available in Human Services General Fund grants and $116,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Services funding. Available amounts are dependent on final budgets. Deadline 4:30pm on April 28. Learn more here.
- Seattle Foundation’s Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) Grant: Supports grassroots efforts that increase engagement, power, and influence of community members affected by poverty and racial disparities. Serving community-based organizations in South Seattle, White Center, and Kent and focused on organizations with small budget sizes. The deadline for submission is April 30.
- Seattle Information Technology is excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for their 2022 Digital Equity Grants. The deadline for submitting proposals is May 13. This year, there are two grant opportunities:
- Technology Matching Fund
- The City will award grants up to $25,000.
- Projects must be completed within one year or less.
- Applicants must match at least 25% of their funding request.
- Digital Navigator Cohort Grant
- The City will award grants up to $50,000.
- Projects must be completed within 18 months or less.
- No community match is required.
- Learn more here.
- Technology Matching Fund
- Request for Proposals Open for Equitable Development Initiative: Community-based organizations working on anti-displacement efforts in high displacement risk neighborhoods are encouraged to apply for funds to support capacity building, property acquisition, and capital expenses. Applications are due June 5. For more info including guidelines and the RFP application, click here.
Grants for Youth-Serving Organizations
- The Seattle Office of Arts & Culture is now accepting applications for the 2022 Youth Arts Grant. Youth Arts Grant supports equitable access to arts and cultural learning opportunities for Seattle’s middle and high school-aged youth. Programs occur outside of school hours in person and online and are led by experienced teaching artists working in communities to increase arts and cultural opportunities for young people from diverse racial and socio-economic backgrounds. Recipients will receive a total of $12,000 distributed over two (2) years of Youth Arts funding support for programs in 2022-2023 and 2023-2024. Deadline April 18, 5pm.
- School’s Out Washington (SOWA), in partnership with Best Start for Kids (BSK), is seeking proposals for the 2022-2025 King County Best Starts for Kids Expanded Learning Initiative. The RFP and application are now available on SOWA’s website. Proposals are due on Wednesday, April 27 by 11:59pm.
- Investments in the BSK Expanded Learning Initiative will strengthen and increase expanded learning opportunities for King County young people (ages 5-13) who are BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) and/or living in poverty. Expanded learning provides young people with high-quality programming through a range of activities including academic enrichment, cultural and social development activities, physical activity and health promotion, arts education, and leadership development. Applicants must meet one of the two eligibility criteria: BIPOC-Led Organizations or Place-Based Collaboratives.
- The Best Starts for Kids Youth Development request for proposal (RFP) is now open! This funding opportunity closes on May 16 at 2pm. Best Starts for Kids is seeking to partner with organizations that support young people through programs that develop youth leadership and engagement opportunities, mentoring, positive identity, and/or healthy and safe relationships.
- The focus populations for the programs are children and young people in elementary school, middle school, high school, and/or ages 18 to 24. Approximately $12,000,000 is available through the estimated contract period of July 2022 – June 2023 through Best Starts for Kids to support the work described in this RFP. The maximum award amount proposers may request is up to $375,000 for a three-year contract. Pro tip: Bookmark the BSK funding calendar!
- Seattle’s Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) just announced their 2022 Funding Opportunities: View their 2022 Notice of Funding Availability to view a description of each opportunity (such as Summer Learning Enhancement, Youth Leadership, Educator Diversity, etc.), who is eligible to apply and anticipated release dates. More information will be posted on DEEL’s funding opportunities page near each release date.
Food Equity Grants
- Tier Two of the city of Seattle’s Food Equity Fund is open now! This new grant program prioritizes projects led by and for communities most affected by limited access to healthy, affordable, and culturally relevant food: Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), immigrants, refugees, low-income individuals, families with young children, youth, and elders.
- Tier Two grants have a maximum award amount of $150,000. During the Tier Two cycle, approximately $2 million in funding will be available for community-led projects that seek to advance food equity. Deadline April 30. More info here, including types of projects sought and technical assistance sessions.
- 2022 Farm to Table Support Services RFP: The Youth and Family Empowerment (YFE) Division of the City of Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is seeking applications from organizations and farmers interested in food equity for Seattle Preschool Programs serving low-income children and families.
- This Farm to Table Support Services RFP invests in healthy, local, sustainable, culturally relevant food access and education in approximately 50 Seattle Preschool Programs located across the City of Seattle serving 2,000 children ages 3-5 years old. This RFP is investing approximately $839,815 from the following sources: $766,158 in Seattle Sweetened Beverage Tax (SBT) funding and $73,657 in City of Seattle General Fund. Initial funding will be for the period of January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. Completed application packets are due by 4pm PDT, on Thursday, May 5.
Participation is Power
- Provide Feedback on Seattle Transportation Plan: Help the Seattle Department of Transportation establish a renewed vision for the future of our streets and public spaces by participating in a public survey.
- SoundTransit’s Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions (WSBLE) project is in the formal public comment period for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). This is an especially important time to get involved and tell them what you think! Learn more here. Open until April 28.
- The Seattle Redistricting Commission has begun the process of examining how to redraw the boundaries of Seattle’s seven City Council Districts and is inviting community members to learn about the process and provide feedback. You can review drafts of proposed maps and offer your feedback at the Seattle Redistricting Commission website. The designated public comment period is open from February 16 to July 31. Learn more here.
- Coyote is still seeking a new Executive Director and just upped its base salary range to $85k-110k/annually. Learn more here. Open until filled.
- Seattle Arts & Lectures continues its search for a Marketing Manager ($56k-62k annually) The posting is here. Deadline April 18.
- FEEST is hiring for an experienced Community Organizing & Training Manager, ($68k-73k annually) to train and supervise organizing staff to organize, build power, and win policy changes in their school district with student leaders. The priority deadline is April 18.
- TeenTix is hiring for both a Deputy Director ($60k annually) and a Communications Specialist ($21/hr, 25 hrs/wk). Read about them both here. Open until filled.
- Friends of Children are looking for both a Development and Communications Director ($80k-90k/annually) and a Coordinator ($43-48k/annually). Learn more here. Open until filled.
- King County Dispute Resolution Center is looking for a Project Manager ($28/hr, 32-40 hrs/week) and Program Coordinator ($25/hr, 32-40 hrs/week) for their Public Housing Services division. People with lived experience in public housing or similar programs are encouraged to apply. Open until filled.
- YMCA Social Impact Center is hiring a Technology & Civic Engagement Facilitator (Min. $24/hr, F/T) in their Employment & Training division. It is a unique role teaching technology classes to Opportunity youth in Seattle, plus facilitation of two civic engagement programs.
Opportunities for Employers
- Seattle Youth Employment Program (SYEP) is currently accepting applications for internship site hosts for the 2022 Summer. You can apply at SYEP 2022 Employer Application and Agreement by April 15. SYEP pays youth wages! Learn more.
Resources for Parents
- Looking for a preschool? Apply Now for 2022-2023 Seattle Preschool Program: The program offers high-quality, affordable preschool programming to help children living in Seattle prepare for kindergarten. In-language applications and assistance are available. Learn more here, and apply here. Tuition is free for most Seattle families, with higher-income households paying on a sliding scale based on household size and income.
- The Creative Advantage ALL ACCESS Arts Stream Spring Classes: These free online classes are led in real-time by master-level teaching artists for elementary-aged youth. Classes available:
- Virtual Poetry – Magic Words & Magic Powers (Wednesdays, 4/20 – 5/18, 5-6pm)
- Virtual Dancing Our Natural World with Pacific Northwest Ballet (Thursdays, 4/21 – 5/19, 5-6pm)
- Virtual Pop-up Books and Paper Magic (Saturdays, 4/23 – 5/21, 10 – 11am)
Resources for Arts Educators
- Artful Solidarity for Arts Education with The Creative Advantage: Saturday, April 30, 2022, 10am – 1pm. After two long and challenging years, how can the community come together to better support arts educators and arts education? The Creative Advantage is carving out space for teachers and arts partners to reconvene and reboot. This in-person event at the Seattle Art Museum is a celebration of creative resilience, a call to action, and a time to seed new possibilities. Engage in collective learning, then tour the museum on your own time. This event is free to all educators. Three Washington State Clock Hours are available. Click here to register.