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March Neighborhood & Community Arts Events

The Neighborhood & Community Arts (NCA) program supports Seattle’s neighborhood arts councils and community groups that produce events to promote arts and cultural participation and build community. In 2014, the program provided $1,200 each to 42 groups to support annual public festivals and events. February has three events coming up: a film festival, literary festival, and a celebration of the Aztec New Year!






Seattle Jewish Film Festival

March 1-9 | Tickets

A 10-day cinematic celebration and examination of global Jewish and Israeli life, history, art, ideas & culture.

Multiple locations throughout Seattle















Mexica New Year Celebration

March 15-16

The festival includes traditional Aztec dancing, singing and drumming, multiple educational and hands-on art workshops, and a traditional Mesoamerican feast at Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center, 3801 W Government Way, Seattle, WA 98199.







APRIL Festival

March 24-29

APRIL Festival is a week-long small press and independent literature festival. It serves to build community and encourages readers to seek out writing that is new and pertinent to them.

Multiple locations throughout Seattle