Mayor Mike McGinn has announced the 2013-2014 budget, and we are pleased to report that the budget for the Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs’ funding programs will continue in 2013 at 2012 levels. This includes CityArtists projects for individual artists, Youth Arts, Cultural Facilities, Neighborhood & Community Arts, Civic Partners for organizations, and our smART ventures small awards program. The 2013 budget does not include Arts Means Business funding as this program was a one-time addition by the mayor for the purpose of economic stimulus in 2012.
The mayor has also proposed an exciting change for us. Starting January 1, 2013, the city will move Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center into the portfolio of the Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs from Parks & Recreation, where it currently resides. At the same time, the city will restore the full portion of the Admissions Tax that is dedicated to the Office by City Council ordinance (75 percent). The addition of Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center as another program under the Office aligns with our mission and fits the purview of the Admissions Tax to fund arts-related programs and keep artists living, working and growing in Seattle. The move will not affect staffing or programming levels at either organization. The Office will work with the Langston Hughes center over the next two years to develop a long-term, self-sustaining financial strategy for the center.
Read more about the Langston Hughes proposal in the mayor’s press release here.
Photo: Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center. Photo by Joe Mabel.