We’re seeking artists to create temporary art installations along Greenwood Avenue North and the Central Waterfront for the project Art Interruptions. Art Interruptions encourages artists to install artworks on city sidewalks and parks and offer passers-by a brief interruption in their day with a moment of surprise, beauty or humor. Possible locations for artworks include street and park infrastructure and furniture (utility poles, trees, tree pits, walls, railings, stair risers, etc.). Up to 12 artists will be selected to develop artworks to be displayed for six weeks this summer.
Possible sidewalk and park locations include Greenwood Avenue North between North 65th and North 87th streets, Waterfront Park, Piers 62 and 63, and Pike Street Hill Climb between Alaskan Way and Western Avenue.
The call is open to artists residing in Washington state. Each selected artist will receive a $1,000 stipend. Application deadline is 11 p.m., Friday, May 4. Click here to apply.
For more information, contact Jason Huff, public art project manager, (206) 684-7278.
Art Interruptions is administered in partnership with Seattle Department of Transportation and Seattle Parks and Recreation.
Image: Suzanne Tidwell, Artificial Light, a large-scale knitting (acrylic yarn), 2011. Located at Occidental Square as part of ArtSparks 2011. Photo by Suzanne Tidwell.