As the arts are essential in a complete education, we’re sharing the news that the Seattle Office for Education (OFE) is seeking requests for qualifications (RFQs) from organizations to support one of four program areas of the city’s Families and Education Levy. The $232 million seven-year levy was passed by voters last fall. The initiative provides support to children and their families, both in and out of school, in an effort to help all Seattle’s children become safe, healthy and ready to learn. The RFQs are due 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 14.
The programs for RFQs are: Elementary Social, Emotional, Behavioral and Family Support; Middle and High School Social, Emotional and Behavioral Support; Elementary, Middle and High School Extended Learning Opportunities; and Middle and High School College and Career Readiness and Planning.
There is no funding to be awarded under the RFQ process. However, submitting a response to an RFQ is required in order for a school to select your organization to provide programs in the next part of the process.
Go here for more information and RFQ instructions.