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Posts tagged with Teaching Artists Archives - Art Beat

Over 50 teaching artists joined us for a Professional Development Day!

On Saturday March 8, The Creative Advantage hosted the 2nd annual Seattle Visual Arts Education Coalition Professional Development Day at the Seattle Asian Art Museum. Our lead partner, the Seattle Art Museum worked with The Creative Advantage team to craft a day of learning for more than 50 visual arts… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Music Education Coalition starts the year off on an exciting beat!

On Saturday, Jan. 25, The Creative Advantage hosted The Seattle Music Education Coalition’s Professional Development Day at Seattle Opera Center. The Coalition strives to build music programs and opportunities for Seattle Public School’s youth. It includes SPS Visual & Performing Arts music teachers, Seattle Office of Arts & Culture, The… [ Keep reading ]

Apply to Our 2025 Youth Arts Grant

Our Youth Arts grant funds 2-year art programs for middle and high school students in Seattle to have more access to arts and cultural opportunities. These programs happen outside of school hours and are led by teaching artists. We want to create more opportunities for young people from a variety… [ Keep reading ]

The Creative Advantage Arts Education Coalitions Combine Forces at The Summer Institute 

In the winter of 2023, The Creative Advantage launched the Seattle Theatre Education Coalition (STEC) to shine a light on theatre education in Seattle Public Schools and support collaborative learning between theatre specialists, cultural organizations, and teaching artists in our city. We tapped The Fifth Avenue Theatre education staff to… [ Keep reading ]

Youth Arts Grant Open

Artists, arts and cultural organizations, youth-serving agencies and degree-granting institutions are invited to apply for the City of Seattle Office of Arts & Culture Youth Arts (YA) Grant. The Youth Arts grant supports two years of equitable access to arts and cultural learning opportunities for Seattle’s middle and high school-aged youth. The deadline to apply is February 27, 2024, 5PM Pacific.

Kick-Off the 2023-24 School Year with Creativity

The Creative Advantage Summer Institute returns to the Seattle Art Museum on Thursday, August 24, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. This day of professional learning in and through the arts is the creative kick-off to the 2023-24 school year and serves as a time for teachers, artists, community arts… [ Keep reading ]

The Creative Advantage (Re)Ignites Joyful Partnerships

by Rayna Mathis, Seattle Public Schools Creative Advantage Project Manager On December 1, school leaders and arts partners gathered at the Seattle Asian Art Museum (SAAM) on a snowy Thursday evening in Volunteer Park for The Creative Advantage: Re(Igniting) Joyful Partnerships event. After offering virtual and limited in-person programming during… [ Keep reading ]

The Creative Advantage Summer Institute Success

by Tina LaPadula, Arts Education Project Manager, photos by Ground Zero On August 18, more than 125 community arts educators and teachers flooded into the Seattle Art Museum to attend The Creative Advantage Summer Institute. Seattle JazzEd youth performers blared big band standards to greet the attendees, and a full… [ Keep reading ]

Anh Sy Seattle Youth Employment Program (SYEP) Intern Explores The Creative Advantage Summer Online Arts

By Anh Sy, SYEP Intern About The Creative Advantage Online Arts (CAOA): The Creative Advantage Online Arts videos were created as a swift pivot in response to COVID-19, with goals to support students and families during school closures, as well as to support teaching artists who had been contracted to lead… [ Keep reading ]

The Creative Advantage Summer Institute Returns Live & In-Person

By Tina LaPadula, Arts Education Project Manager The Creative Advantage Summer Institute returns in-person to the Seattle Art Museum on Thursday, August 18, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. This day of professional learning is the creative kick-off to the 2022-23 school year, and a time for teachers, teaching artists, community… [ Keep reading ]