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Search Results for art interruptions

City invests more than $175,000 in youth arts training

…all arts disciplines, with priority placed on serving youth and communities with limited or no access to the arts. Go here for a complete list of funded organizations and artists….

Drive-Up COVID Testing Sites

UPDATE: The City offers walk-up testing now at Rainier Beach High School. Make sure to register ahead of time and check the site’s hours before going. The City of Seattle,…

City seeks candidates for Seattle Arts Commission

The city of Seattle is seeking candidates for the Seattle Arts Commission. The citizen commission advises the Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs on arts and cultural policy, advocates for…

Statement from the Seattle Arts Commission on Recent Events regarding Black Lives

…solidarity with our Black artists, Black leaders of organizations and Black arts and cultural administrators during this painful and egregious period. We recognize that these acts of injustice will continue…

June 1: King County Will Apply for Modified Phase One

Governor Jay Inslee recently announced updates to the Safe Start Washington reopening plan, and King County Executive Dow Constantine confirmed that the County will apply for modified Phase One on…

Totem Star offers online music programs to youth in response to COVID-19

…young artists looking for studio time, mentorship, and most importantly, family. “It’s a real thriving and beautiful community”, youth artist Mirabai Kukathas explains. “Once all this [COVID] started, it was…

Seattle Center seeks proposals to lease Playhouse

artistic and/or cultural activities in Seattle. View the full Request for Proposals. Proposals are due to the Seattle Center by 5 p.m., July 13, 2012 (Pacific Daylight Time). The theater…

Bias Hurts, Anti Bias Resources

…immigrants and refugees in our city. Our community members have reported property damage, vandalism, physical and verbal threats, and other forms of hate. These hateful acts drive us apart when…

Nonprofit arts generate $447.6 million for Seattleā€™s economy

…and private investment in the arts. We must not underestimate the role of arts and culture. They are critical to our city’s success. I applaud Seattle’s devoted artists, arts and…

Additional screening of “Water Calling” short films this Wednesday

…of several temporary artworks that address environmental sustainability for The Next Fifty, the 50th anniversary of the 1962 World’s Fair Seattle Center. Go here for artwork descriptions, dates and locations….