On June 30, The AMP (Aids Memorial Pathway) celebrated the installation of the final piece of the project — Horatio Hung-Yan Law’s Ribbon of Light at Cal Anderson Park. This piece marks the final artwork installation of The AMP, which started in 2015.

The dedication event featured remarks and participation from Horatio Hung-Yan Law, Gay City, The AMP Steering Committee, Seattle Parks and Recreation, and the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture (ARTS).
Take a peek at some photo highlights from the event below, courtesy of Jo Cosme.

You can experience the entirety of The AMP and all of the artwork — Christopher Paul Jordan’s andimgonnamisseverybody, Civilization’s We’re Already Here, Storme Webber’s In This Way We
Loved One Another, Novaby’s The Names Tree, and Horatio Hung-Yan Law’s Ribbon of Light — at The AMP in Capitol Hill on the north edge of Cal Anderson Park.