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Artists and Creative Workers Relief Funding

Black and white photo of a woman wearing an apron standing in a Latino market. A piñata hangs overhead.
Lone Star Market, Allison Corona, Seattle Public Utilities 1% for Art

Focusing on individual artists and creative workers, this is the first of two parts in the City of Seattle’s Arts Recovery Package. The second part focuses on arts and cultural organizations. Learn more about the whole Arts Recovery Package, including organizational support.

For Individual Artists and Creative Workers

Please note the Seattle Relief Fund is currently on pause. If you are an artist in need of funds, there is a waiting list you can join here.

The Seattle Relief Fund is aimed at helping those in the greater Seattle arts community who have been financially impacted by cancellations due to COVID-19. Depending on funding levels and amount of requests, priority may be given to artists from communities that have been historically and systemically economically disadvantaged in the Seattle Area: BIPOC artists, transgender & nonbinary artists, and disabled artists – but they will try to help as many artists with need in Seattle as they can.

Button: Apply For Relief

Seattle Relief Fund was started by Ijeoma Oluo, a Seattle-based artist, after several of her speaking events got canceled, she decided to start this fundraiser to help artists in Seattle whose events are also being canceled and are in need of relief. LANGSTON is providing administrative support and is part of the oversight committee for the funds.

Artist Trust’s COVID-19 Artist Relief Fund provides rapid response grants supporting the critical needs of artists whose livelihoods have been impacted by COVID-19. These unrestricted cash grants are intended to support working artists with:

  • Lost wages and earnings;
  • Loss from event, performance, and conference cancellations and school / community-based education closures
  • Reimbursement for travel loss
  • Rent and mortgage payments, food, utilities, and other living expenses
  • Medical expenses

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and selected weekly. Grants range from $500-5K based on artists’ needs.


  • Individual artists living in Washington State (companies, curators, nonprofits, organizations, community groups, ensembles, producers, & collectives are not eligible)
  • 18 years of age or older