Come celebrate the conclusion of Horatio Law’s South Park Crisálida project at Summer Splash at Marra-Desimone Park on Sunday, August 14. Co-sponsored with South Park Arts, Summer Splash recognizes and honors South Park residents who participated in the creation of Community Yarns that cover the South Park Crisálida artwork. The celebration includes hands-on art activities featuring South Park artists Elise Koncsek and Tristen Warner, and a presentation on Urban Hydrology by Karina Adams and Therese Graf.
South Park Summer Splash
Sunday, August 14, 11a.m. – 3p.m.
Marra-Desimone Park (park entrance on Director St between 5th Ave S and 7th Ave S)
South Park Crisálida was created to raise community awareness for the 14th and Concord Sewer Improvement Project that Seattle Public Utilities is constructing and became a destination piece that attracted visitors to the neighborhood during construction. The sculpture was on display within the construction zone along 14th Ave. S. in May and was moved to Marra Desimone Park for a temporary summer exhibition. The Community Yarns created by South Park community members will be on display at the South Park Branch Library at a future date.
South Park Crisálida is commissioned with Seattle Public Utilities 1% for Art funds and administered by the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture.
Image: Horatio Law; South Park Crisálida; Steel, nylon;18”x6”x6”; 2016; image courtesy of the artist.