2015 Artists Up: Native Artist Series
April 20, 2015
Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center
The Artists Up (AU) collaborative and host partner Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center welcomed approximately 70 multi-generational Native artists from Seattle, King County and outlying areas for its final informational and networking session on April 20th. After a blessing and a Native meal, artists engaged in peer-to-peer conversations alongside agency staff from four funding agencies to learn how best to navigate funding processes, to prepare materials and to develop their artistic careers. A final report will include information from the Native artists event and make comparative links to output from the three other artist groups served.
Building relationships, sharing resources and learning how our offices can better serve under-represented artists define the purpose of Artists Up, a three-funder collaborative (Office of Arts & Culture, 4Culture and Artist Trust). The partnership has reached out to Latino, Hispanic, Asian, Asian-Pacific Islander, Asian American and African, African American, Black artists in the last two years. Having sparked these connections, the Artists Up team will continue deepening this targeted support in the future to assure our communities are enriched by a diverse range of artistic and cultural experiences.