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Storefronts Seattle seeks artists, arts groups for vacant storefronts

Storefronts Seattle, in partnership with the Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs, seeks artists to develop art projects for vacant storefronts in various Seattle neighborhoods, including Pioneer Square, the Chinatown/International District, Capitol Hill, South Lake Union and Rainier Beach. The projects will be programmed in available spaces throughout 2012 and into 2013.

Storefronts Seattle is accepting applications in three tracks: Installation (two-dimensional, three-dimensional or new-media artworks); Artist Residency (meeting, rehearsal or studio space); and Creative Enterprise (retail art gallery, boutique, museum, etc.). Artists selected for the Installation track will receive $250 to $1,000 per installation. Participants in all tracks will receive the use of a retail storefront space at no cost for three months, with a possible extension in the Creative Enterprise track. All projects are subject to early cancellation with 30 days notice if the storefront leases during the project period.

The call is open to all artists and arts groups. Application deadline is 11 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 22.

Apply online

The request for proposals is intended to create a roster of projects from which to program storefront spaces as they become available. Roster inclusion does not guarantee placement in the program. The Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs will manage the application and roster selection process for Storefronts Seattle projects. Storefronts Seattle will pair artists with spaces they lease from property owners.

Launched as a pilot in September 2010, Storefronts Seattle promotes neighborhood vitality by bringing art and creative enterprise to available storefronts.

For more information, contact Matthew Richter, Storefronts Project Manager, (206) 905-1026.