“$5 Cover: Seattle,” a 12-part docudrama series directed by Lynn Shelton, made its debut this week on mtvmusic.com. The series follows thirteen homegrown bands in a musical journey through the city, painting a rich portrait of Seattle’s robust film, music and nightlife communities.
The series, which was filmed in Seattle during the summer of 2009, journeys with bands like THEESatisfaction and Champagne, Champagne to more than 20 locations around the city, from the artists’ homes and work spaces to restaurants and traditional music venues. The production employed a local film crew of 30, as well as 60 Seattle-based cast members.
Other bands featured in “$5 Cover: Seattle” include the punk band Whiskey Tango, indie trio The Lights, psychadelic rockers The Moondoggies, the instrumental band Corespondents, the pop duo Tea Cozies, and more.
Shelton recommends that viewers “watch [the series] like a movie,” viewing one short episode after another.
Watch the series in its entirety here, or learn more about the bands and the filmmaking process at the $5 Cover: Seattle blog.