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Say farewell to Arts & Cultural Affairs director Michael Killoren on Monday, Oct. 4

You may have seen Seattle Times theatre critic Mischa Berson’s piece this morning about Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs director Michael Killoren’s new job in Washington D.C.

Or you may have known for a few weeks, since the National Endowment of the Arts announced that Michael would be serving as the federal agency’s new director of Local Arts Agencies and Challenge America Fast Track, starting October 12.

Whether you’re a longtime colleague or friend, a partner with the Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs, or just an ardent supporter of arts and culture in the city – you’re invited to attend a farewell celebration for Michael on Monday, October 4 at 4:30 p.m. at Seattle City Hall. Click here for the full invitation; no RSVP is needed. We hope to see you there!