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Temporary art on the new Rainier Valley Neighborhood Greenway

O"Snapshots of the Neighborhood" by Lana Blinderman, photo by Minh Carricopening celebration for Rainier Valley Neighborhood Greenway and Art Interruptions on Saturday, August 11th from 12 – 4pm at the Rainier Beach Playfield


The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), in partnership with the Office of Arts & Culture (ARTS), will be celebrating the opening of the Rainier Valley Neighborhood Greenway and Art Interruptions on "Beeline to Dinner" by Isobel Davis, photo by Minh CarricoSaturday August 11th from 12 – 4 p.m. at the Rainier Beach Playfield.

About the Rainier Valley Neighborhood Greenway

The Neighborhood Greenway is a route over 6 miles stretching from the Rainier Beach Branch of the Seattle Public Library to Mount Baker. "Utopia" by Angie Hinojos Yusuf, photo by Minh CarricoThe route includes improvements like crosswalks, curb ramps, speed humps, and pavement repairs that make walking and biking around the neighborhood easier.

About Art Interruptions

SDOT and ARTS commissioned seven emerging public artists to create temporary art installations along the Rainier Valley Neighborhood Greenway for Art Interruptions 2018. The artworks inhabit city sidewalks and parks and offer passers-by a brief interruption in their day, eliciting a moment of surprise, beauty, contemplation or humor.

Participating artists are:

Art Interruptions is funded by the Seattle Department of Transportation 1% for Arts Funds.

All community members and kids are invited to join in the celebration on August 11. We’ll have cold treats, prizes, bike safety tips, and more! Check out the flyer to learn more. #SeattleArtInterruptions

Saturday, August 11 | 12 – 4 PM

West side of Rainier Beach Playfield

"Going Places" by Susan Ringstad-Emery, photo by Minh Carrico.And don’t forget to stop by the Rainier Beach Action Coalition’s annual Back 2 School Bash, located nearby, at the Rainier Beach Community Center, from 12 – 4 PM!

The following organizations will be at the event:

Photos by Minh Carrico.

Seattle Department Department of Transportation: delivering a high-quality transportation system for Seattle.